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Pediatric Use of Creatine: Guidelines and Safety Measures

Pediatric Use of Creatine: Guidelines and Safety Measures

Skeletal muscle contains significant concentrations of the bioactive form of creatine, which allows it to store adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) and facilitates early muscular activation by providing an easily accessible energy source. 

In healthy individuals, organic creatine is produced naturally by the kidneys and liver, and most people can get enough of it from food alone. Creatinine deficiency may raise the incidence of myopathy, although this link has not been well investigated, and the long-term effects of somewhat lower levels are unclear. While athletes in training need 5-10 g of creatine in food daily, the recommended daily allowance for non-athletes is 1-2 g. While the body's creatine reserves are 60–80% at equilibrium, supplementation may increase the organic creatine concentration inside muscles.

Creatine usage has increased among teenagers, especially those participating in extreme sports. The percentage of boys using    has undoubtedly increased since a 2016 survey found that 17% of 12th graders did so. Young sportsmen looking to step up their game will find this supplement interesting due to its reputation for rapid strength and muscle-building increase.

Creatine and Pediatric Use - Reasons and Appeal

Adolescents often use creatine to speed up the process of becoming in shape, enhance their physique, and perform better in competitive sports. Teens may seek out performance-enhancing substances to meet the rising expectations placed on them by an increasingly image-conscious culture.

Those who participate in high-intensity training or are athletes might get several advantages from taking organic creatine supplements:

Muscle Energy

Amino acid phosphocreatine (ATP) is the principal energy molecule for intense physical activity and heavy lifting, and creatine in food enhances the body's supply of this phosphocreatine. As a result, performance in high-intensity, short-duration activities may improve.

Muscle Gain

According to extensive research, taking organic creatine supplements has been linked to significant gains in muscle growth. This could be because of water retention in muscle cells, which gives the illusion of bigger muscles, and partially because of the enhanced work capacity, which permits more intensive and fruitful exercises.


Liquid creatine is a great supplement for athletes who want to increase their strength and power since it has been associated with better performance in these areas.


Creatine in food may help reduce inflammation and muscle damage, which means you'll recover quicker after a strenuous workout.

Cognitive Function

New evidence suggests that creativity may positively affect cognitive function, especially when dealing with sleep loss or mental exhaustion. Not only do athletes find this interesting, but so does the general public, who wants to keep their minds fresh.

Guidelines for Pediatric Use of Creatine

  • Before beginning organic creatine supplementation in children or adolescents, it is essential to get the advice of a doctor. In this way, we can be confident the supplement will help the child's unique set of symptoms and stage of development.
  • The dosage should be adjusted according to the individual needs of children. Because of variations in growth, metabolism, and developmental requirements, children and adolescents should not take the same amount as adults.
  • If you have any of the following adverse effects: nausea, dizziness, muscular cramps, or gastrointestinal pain, it is important to monitor yourself closely. Regular follow-ups with a healthcare practitioner can evaluate the child's health and make dose adjustments.
  • Creatine supplementation should be part of a well-rounded diet that addresses all nutritional requirements. While organic creatine is a useful supplement, it shouldn't replace other important nutrients; it should be part of a balanced diet.
  • Children should not take liquid creatine for an extended period without medical supervision. Regular evaluation of the need and safety of ongoing usage is advised.

Research on Pediatric Use of Creatine

About 5% to 8% of high school and middle school students who were polled said they had used creatine before. For instance, 8.8 percent of males and 1.8 percent of females in research that surveyed 1,103 US students in grades 6-12 reported using liquid creatine supplements. Creatine usage was 3.4% across grades 6–10, but it shot up to 12% in years 11–12 and 44% in grades 12–13. 

Also, among 270 high school kids (aged 13–18), 3% of females and 21% of boys reported taking liquid creatine, according to another research. Similar patterns show up when looking at prevalence rates among teen athletes because organic creatine is often mentioned as one of the most popular nutritional supplements within this group. Prevalence rates seem to vary, however, which is probably due to variations in gender, kind of activity, and related physique or training objectives. 

More men than women use creatine supplements, with the most popular claims being that it helps with energy generation and lean body mass gain. The most popular sports, like hockey, football, and wrestling, require strength and power or are anaerobic. 

Safety Measures for Pediatric Use of Creatine

  • Teach the youngster and their parents how to use creatine supplements correctly. Time of consumption, avoiding high dosages, and knowing why you're taking it are all part of it.
  • To ensure quality, you should only use creatine in food supplements that have been tested by an independent lab or that have been approved by an authoritative body, such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). This ensures that the product is pure and according to its description.
  • Make sure you drink enough water. If you want to avoid renal stress or muscular cramps, drinking more water when taking creatine is a good idea.
  • Because the kidneys process organic creatine, monitoring renal function over time is crucial, particularly in children who consistently take supplements.
  • Never use liquid creatine with any other supplement, particularly those that have the potential to dehydrate or alter kidney function (e.g., ephedra or caffeine), unless your doctor tells you to.


Whether or not creatine poses any health risks to minors is a complex issue. According to the available research, Creatine is safe for healthy athletes of any age. Nevertheless, the effects on teenagers should be carefully considered. A more extensive study on long-term consequences is necessary, although there is no denying the substantial potential benefits for adolescent athletes. Making a choice to take organic creatine should be done individually, with help from medical specialists, with a thoughtful approach to dose and general health. At the same time, the scientific field continues to research this subject.

Teenage athletes may make smart decisions that benefit their well-being and athletic goals in the long run by approaching creatine supplementation with a measured and educated mindset.

If you're a young athlete seeking a safe and effective way to investigate creatine supplementation, Balanced Bear gummies are a great option. For a well-rounded and efficient improvement in your athletic performance, consider Balanced Bear with the help of a professional and careful attention to your health. Use our creatine gummies as a responsible first step in reaching your fitness objectives.


Bear Balanced® | World's First Creatine Gummies®

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