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Top 10 Myths About Creatine

Creatine Myths

Visit the gym often to make those big gains but can’t seem to create results fast enough?

Then chances are, you’ve probably heard about the potential of sports nutrition supplements to further accelerate those gains.

Creatine itself is one such supplement which is commonly used by both recreational gym goers and professional powerlifters alike.

At its most basic level, creatine is an organic acid which helps to supply the energy your cells need to exercise. In particular, it serves your muscle and brain cells the best. The more creatine you have, the longer you’re able to go for those more intense workouts. That’s great news if you don’t want to end up in a sweaty heap of a mess early-on.

Thanks to the extensive scientific research on creatine, numerous supplements have appeared all across the market. Yet, despite their high level of safety, their effectiveness is no doubt tested against several myths.

That’s why today here at Bear Balanced, we’ll help dispel the top 10 myths about creatine and why you should add it to your stash of nutritional supplements today.

1.) Creatine increases your body fat

Even though the idea of creatine is to technically help you do the opposite, several users still circulate the myth that it increases your body fat.

However, the truth is that creatine can potentially cause water retention [1] on a small scale. When coupled with a lower tendency to urinate, this can mistakenly lead athletes to think that creatine increased their body fat.

So, the next time you begin using creatine, don’t be afraid of that slight gain in water weight. As more time passes in your usage, it’ll soon go away.

2.) Creatine isn’t good for your kidneys

There is actually little clinical evidence out there to support this myth.

Unless your kidneys may already be at risk for renal impairment, you won’t have to worry about adding creatine to your workout supplement routine.

In fact, one large-scale meta-analysis study [2] alone has shown that creatine supplements have no real negative effect on kidney damage or function.

3.) Creatine needs to be front loaded or else it won’t work

Despite the fact that front-loading can help maximize your creatine stores, you don’t need to do so for the supplement to still have an effect. In fact, you might be able to experience slightly less gastrointestinal distress [3] at the same time.

4.) Creatine supplements directly lead to hair loss

If the thought of losing all your hair at a workout session keeps you awake at night, then take a moment to relax. For now, as long as you aren’t predisposed to male or female pattern baldness, you should be fine.

If you do fall under the former category, then you may want to know about one study [4] where participants reported higher levels of a certain hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) after taking a creatine supplement.

Even though no patients in that specific study lost their hair, it’s known that certain inherited hair follicles can be sensitive to DHT. It’s that very genetically predisposed sensitivity which can contribute to hair loss.

So, for now, if you don’t possess those sensitive hair follicles, then you’re good to take creatine to your heart’s content.

5.) Any creatine supplement should be cycled

Perhaps you’ve heard the myth floating around that your creatine supplement has to be cycled, or used on and off. If anything, you should use it on a consistent basis to ensure that you reach your creatine saturation level [5]. From there, the supplement should be able to fully put its benefits to use.

6.) Creatine is a steroid

Creatine and steroids share no relation. In fact, creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid as opposed to the man-made chemicals that steroids are made out of. In terms of function and structure, creatine shares more in common with vitamins or minerals than it would with a steroid.

7.) Creatine doesn’t need to be taken in a supplement since it’s naturally occurring in some foods

Creatine can be naturally found in plenty of the red meat and fish sources you eat every day. In fact, one pound of raw beef or salmon can add about 1 to 2 grams [6] of creatine to your stores.

However, even though this amount might be able to suffice for a person who goes about their day-to-day errands, it certainly can’t keep up with the energy demands of an athlete. To limit the large amounts of meat you’d have to eat, a creatine supplement would be a much more convenient alternative.

8.) Caffeine gets in the way of creatine absorption

You’d be right in your thinking that caffeine as a diuretic usually rids your body of salt and water.

However, when it comes to the case of creatine, caffeine can actually increase its rate of uptake [7] as long as you keep yourself hydrated. A big part of the supplement’s job as an anabolic is to draw water into your muscles, so it never hurts to drink some extra water throughout your workout.

9.) Creatine can stunt teenage growth

Rather than stunt your growth, this amino acid can actively work to increase your muscle mass. Because it’s also naturally found in your body [8] and in many of the meat products you eat, it won’t be able to slow down the potential of teenage growth.

10.) Creatine isn’t safe for women to take

The many scientific studies conducted only serve to disprove this myth. In one such study which compared a group of women using the supplement to a group that wasn’t, the former was able to enjoy significant increases [9] in both muscle mass and performance.

In addition, the International Society of Sports Nutrition [10] itself also states either gender would be able to benefit from a creatine supplement.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve dispelled the most common misconception about creatine supplements, you’re ready to take your workouts to the next level.

However, you don’t have to take your results to the next level only through a powder form. Here at Bear Balanced, we pride ourselves on allowing you to take your health in your own hands. That’s why we’ve developed a one-of-a-kind superfood-rich creatine gummy supplement.

Not only does it provide you the classic benefits of creatine in a delicious bite-sized way, but also further empowers you with better focus, memory, and immunity.

If you’re ready to live a stronger and healthier lifestyle through the power of a creatine supplement, then don’t hesitate to check out our gummies today!

Bear Balanced® | World's First Creatine Gummies® -


  1. Butts, J., Jacobs, B., & Silvis, M. (2017). Creatine Use in Sports. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 10(1), 31–34.
  2. de Souza E Silva, A., Pertille, A., Reis Barbosa, C. G., Aparecida De Oliveira Silva, J., de Jesus, D. V., Ribeiro, A. G. S. V., Baganha, R. J., & de Oliveira, J. J. (2019). Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Renal Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 29(6), 480–489.
  1. Ostojic, S. M., & Ahmetovic, Z. (2008). Gastrointestinal Distress After Creatine Supplementation in Athletes: Are Side Effects Dose Dependent? Research in Sports Medicine, 16(1), 15–22.
  2. van der Merwe, J., Brooks, N. E., & Myburgh, K. H. (2009). Three Weeks of Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation Affects Dihydrotestosterone to Testosterone Ratio in College-Aged Rugby Players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 19(5), 399–404.
  3. Buford, T. W., Kreider, R. B., Stout, J. R., Greenwood, M., Campbell, B., Spano, M., Ziegenfuss, T., Lopez, H., Landis, J., & Antonio, J. (2007). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 4(1).
  4. Nordqvist, J. (2017, December 20). Should I use creatine supplements? Medical News Today.
  5. Vanakoski J, Kosunen V, Meririnne E, Seppälä T. Creatine and caffeine in anaerobic and aerobic exercise: effects on physical performance and pharmacokinetic considerations. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1998 May;36(5):258-62. PMID: 9629989.
  6. Creatine & Creatine Supplements: What is Creatine, Are Supplements Safe. (2020). Cleveland Clinic.
  7. Brenner, Megan & RANKIN, JANET & SEBOLT, DON. (2000). The Effect of Creatine Supplementation During Resistance Training in Women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 14. 10.1519/1533-4287(2000)014<0207:TEOCSD>2.0.CO;2.
  8. Kreider, R.B., Kalman, D.S., Antonio, J. et al.International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 14, 18 (2017).
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