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Creatine GummiesCreatine Gummies

Hidden Benefits of Microdosing Creatine

Hidden Benefits of Microdosing Creatine

Microdosing creatine has benefits that are different from the normal or heavy creatine dosage. It's better, more effective, and easier for many athletes to handle. Although the benefits of creatine gummies are well known, microdosing has become popular as a useful and powerful option. 

Moreover, small doses may be able to produce stable performance gains with fewer side effects. Whatever your goal is—maintaining your abdominal health or making your muscles stronger—microdosing creatine might be the answer you've been looking for. Continue reading for more information on the hidden benefits of creatine microdosing.

Creatine Dosage and Schedules

There are some different but very similar ways to take creatine. There are two separate steps for its input: 

  • Loading 
  • Maintenance

The first goal is to store as much creatine as possible in muscles, and the second goal is to keep this percentage at a high, consistent level.

You can finish the loading step in two different ways. First, we suggest taking 3 grams of creatine every day for 30 days. A popular method is to do this for 4 to 7 days by taking 20 grams of creatine gummies. Two to three grams of the vitamin should be taken every day to keep muscle creatine levels high.

It is the most common and quoted creatine dose method in research papers. Naturally, these aren't the only tried-and-true ways to supplement. One study suggests the following alternate ways to take creatine.

  • Loading Phase: 0.3g/kg body weight/day for 5-7 days, then 0.03g/kg/day for 4-6 weeks.
  • Standard: 20g/day for 4-7 days, then 2-10g/day with no set duration.
  • Without Loading: 10g on training days, 5g on rest days for eight weeks.
  • For Older Adults: 20g/day for 4-7 days, then 2-10g/day combined with resistance training, with no set duration.

How Low-Dose Creatine Works

Lacking the loading phase, microdosing creatine supplementation involves taking smaller amounts of creatine over a longer time. In contrast to taking 20–25 grams every day, athletes take three to five grams every day for about 28 days to reach fast saturation. Although it takes longer than loading to reach full saturation, this method slowly increases the amount of creatine in the muscles. Taking a microdose of creatine is better for people with sensitive stomachs or who want to avoid bloating because it is easier on the digestive system and helps the body hold on to water. However, you might not notice the benefits right away.

Improved Muscle Power

Research that studied how giving young, skilled soccer players microdosing creatine affected their muscle power production showed promising results. About seventeen-year-old male soccer players took part in the practice. As part of a double-masked experiment, they were randomly given either a sugar pill or creatine gummies. For 30 seconds, each subject did the Wingate Anaerobic Test before and after the supplement time. When the study was over, the results were looked at, and the creatine group got a small amount. 

Experts say the creatine-treated group did more work than the control group. Because creatine strengthens muscles, it increases. This implies that even a short-term creatine intake might boost player performance. According to a recent study, creatine gummies may help muscles operate better, particularly during high-energy exercises. This research focuses on young players who want to grow stronger and quicker without using a lot of supplements, making it a feasible choice for high-level athletes.

Better Fatigue Resistance

Research showed that microdosing creatine may help healthy people better with tiredness. Twenty healthy men and women took part in a six-week study and were randomly assigned to either a creatine tablet or a sugar pill. To ensure accuracy, the experiment used a double-masked, placebo-controlled method. Athletes did knee extension exercises while their body makeup and performance were continuously watched during the trial.

The group given 2.3 grams of creatine per day had considerably higher plasma creatine levels. They also had stronger stamina when they continuously tightened their muscles. These findings imply that taking creatine daily for six weeks, even in small amounts, may enhance muscular endurance by waiting until muscles are exhausted. Creatine gummies or supplements may also increase performance and recovery, which is vital for athletes and other busy individuals who conduct long-term, high-intensity activities.

Increased Strength and Endurance

Another study looked at how taking microdosing creatine during the loading phase affected strength and endurance. The 36 guys who took part in the study were split into three groups. The first group got a sugar pill, the second group got three grams of creatine every day, and the third group got five grams. Subjects were given tests over 35 days that measured their maximum muscle strength, upper body endurance, and belly muscle endurance.

All research groups increased their maximal strength and stamina. Others, notably those taking the larger creatine dosage, changed most. With tiny dosages and no loading period, creatine supplements boost upper body strength and endurance, according to researchers. Moreover, findings support the increasing body of research on microdose creatine that shows it may boost muscular performance. People who desire to enhance their power and endurance without sophisticated dosage schedules may benefit from creatine gummies or supplements.

Should You Try Creatine Loading Protocol?

Many days of high-frequency doses were almost necessary to "load" creatine monohydrate a few years ago. Presently, experts don't usually suggest it because a microdose creatine would get people to the same result. These loading methods were only offered by experts for people who might benefit from quickly raising their creatine levels. An example mentioned in the study is as follows:

  • Vegetarians, vegans, or those with low animal protein intake
  • Athletes struggling with recovery
  • Individuals in concussion-prone sports or recently concussed (within six months)
  • Those undergoing surgery or facing forced rest with muscle loss risks

Bottom Line

It seems likely that there will soon be a more accurate dosage routine since research into microdosing creatine in non-athletic settings is growing quickly. For now, creatine monohydrate users and products feel that "good enough" is usually between 3 and 5 grams (maybe even as low as 2 grams) for sports use, and it's getting higher for cognitive and non-athletic groups.

If you want to try supplementing creatine with a low dosage for the first time with a yummy flavor, you should totally try Bear Balanced creatine gummies. Try and see the difference for yourself!


Bear Balanced® | World's First Creatine Gummies®

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