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Don’t Forget To Drink Enough Water with Creatine

Don’t Forget To Drink Enough Water with Creatine

Creatine is a popular and efficient supplement for increasing strength, bulk, and general physical fitness. On the other hand, negative effects might occur if you take creatine without consuming enough water. So, how much water to drink with creatine? Let’s find out in this article. 

Why It's Important to Stay Hydrated With Creatine

Maintaining adequate creatine with water, and in general, is critical for healthy bodily functions. Dehydration has several negative impacts, including the following and affecting your workout performance.

  • Thirsty
  • Urine is dark in color and has a strong smell
  • Feelings of lightheadedness or dizziness.
  • Exhaustion or fatigue
  • Parched lips, eyes, and mouth.
  • Headache or migraine:

Since creatine draws water into the muscles, it's obvious that keeping hydrated is key when taking it. However, is there a higher danger of dehydration while using creatine? Not quite, but you should still watch how much water you drink to ensure your body gets what it needs.

For creatine to work, you must consume enough water without depleting the water supply for other biological activities, as the body cannot perform vital functions without water. No matter what creatine you take, athletes require more water than others, so staying hydrated is vital. There is no evidence that creatine pills cause dehydration, but athletes must consume lots of fluids to perform well. With enough water, creatine works better. When paired with enough water, creatine supplements relieve muscle cramps and hydrate athletes.

As long as other tissues can operate normally, fluids to muscle fibers boost performance. However, consuming creatine with water while dehydrated may have side effects. In September 2021, a case report was published in the ‌American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Report that connected taking larger doses of creatine while reducing water consumption to uncommon but significant eye disorders and an elevated risk for thrombosis. Even though this is improbable, it shows how critical it is to drink plenty of creatine with water as directed.

Because of its chemical structure, creatine attracts water to your cells and surrounds them like a "sponge" effect. So, if you don't change your water consumption to match your creatine dose, you risk being dehydrated. 

Even though water is still in your body, it causes dehydration-like symptoms by drawing water out of your blood. This is why creatine contributes to cell volumization; after a few days of supplementation, your muscles will seem larger and fuller, and you will gain around two to four pounds.

Ways to Stay Hydrated

Now that you know why it's important to stay hydrated while taking creatine, let's examine several strategies. Remember to drink at least three to four liters of water daily when taking three to five grams of creatine.

Creatine acts as a water intake multiplier, so for every three to five grams of creatine you take daily, you should drink an additional 500 milliliters of water. A person weighing 200 pounds who takes 5 grams of creatine daily should, at the very least, drink 3.5 liters of water. Juices, milk, and water may be a useful hydration aid throughout the day.

Even while it still contains around 80-90% water, this may help spice things up and offer some variation to your day. If you consume milk or juice, you should increase your intake a little.

Proper Intake of Creatine Mix with Water

For mixing, dissolve around 3 to 5 grams of creatine powder in approximately 230 milliliters (8 ounces). Take an additional 100 milliliters of water for every gram of creatine if your dosage exceeds 5 grams. A creatine calculator can help you determine the optimal amount of creatine to ingest. For instance, around 530 milliliters of water should be mixed with 8 grams of creatine monohydrate.

While the quantity of liquid you use is up to you, be aware that if the creatine doesn't dissolve correctly, the creatine mix with water might become grainy and powdery. Below are a few tips to assist you in mixing creatine with water more effectively.

  • Because it is less grainy and has a superior flavor, micronized creatine powder is ideal for mixing with liquids and dissolving into smoothies and other drinks. 
  • The creatine will dissolve more quickly in hot beverages like hot chocolate.
  • You should only combine creatine with water or drinks that need it since the supplement degrades rapidly when exposed to water.

Caffeinated Drinks and Creatine

Some believe you should avoid caffeine-containing pre-workouts, coffee, tea, and creatine in coffee altogether. It was formerly thought that caffeine would lessen creatine's performance-enhancing benefits. New evidence, however, disproves this. Below are the results of a 2017 research that divided 54 men into four groups and ran for five days.

  • 30 milligrams of anhydrous caffeine and 20 grams of creatine
  • Caffeine for instant coffee (300 mg) and creatine (20 grams)
  • Only 20 grams of creatine 
  • A control group that received a placebo

The results showed that neither the power nor the sprinting performance varied significantly across the groups. People who took caffeine and creatine together, nevertheless, did experience some gastrointestinal distress. Remember that combining creatine and caffeine could worsen dehydration than with creatine alone, so it's recommended to drink a little more water while taking both substances together. 

There is no influence on exercise performance. However, mixing caffeine and creatine may have some small side effects. Because of this, using creatine in coffee or any other caffeinated beverage will not impair your workout performance. Stomach pain is the only side effect that has been documented, and it will probably be mild.

Does Creatine Lead to Water Retention?

The impact is often harmless and could even be good for your health. Because of its osmotic properties, creatine monohydrate can draw in and hold onto trace quantities of water. Most of your body's creatine stores—about 95% in skeletal muscles—are responsible for the osmotic response. Since creatine has osmotic effects, it stands to reason that increasing one's creatine consumption would cause one's bodily water content to rise. The sensation of increased creatine with water weight might vary from one individual to the next.

Now that you know how much water to drink with creatine, are you ready to get your daily dose of creatine? Choose Bear Balanced Creatine Gummies and add a splash of strength or enhancement to your daily routine. With these gummies, not only does the intake become easier, but also fun. 


Bear Balanced® | World's First Creatine Gummies®

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