
Update my order details

For updates to your order such as address correction, reply to your order confirmation email with your requested change.

Cancel my order

Order cancellations can be requested by replying to your order confirmation email within 1 hour of placing the order β€” after this window, a $7 cancellation fee will apply. If your order has already shipped regardless of this window, no changes can be made.

Subscription orders as well as SMS orders are promotional offers and are not eligible for cancellation or return. All sales are final.

I didn't receive an order confirmation / tracking email

If you haven't received your order confirmation or tracking email in your inbox, check your spam/promotions folder.

My package is missing

We do not personally deliver packages so we aren't able to assist with package whereabouts on your property. You can refer to your order tracking for delivery details or contact your local USPS for assistance.